
we look forward to receiving your payment in due course

Otherwise, I look forward to receiving payment within a week. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Thanks, [Your name] [contact details, website], SUBJ: Account Alert: Your payment is due today. I noticed that your invoice is overdue by 25 days and wanted to reach out to make sure that you received our original invoice and my reminder email on 5/15. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. our work in improving the governance structures and funding modalities for the United Nations system. We are a small business and each payment is necessary to fuel our operations, which includes the in-house technicians that we pay to work on your campaign. * To keep $CLIENTBUSINESS in good standing (and avoid service interruption,) please pay now at: $INVOICEURL *. If your payment has already been submitted, we thank you and please disregard this notice. [Invoice ].

But if I can’t rely on you paying promptly or it takes several attempts and reminders to get my money, that’s not good business. But if I don’t receive what I am owed within the next couple of days, I will have to think twice about helping you in the future. I want to follow up on an invoice I emailed on April 1. The above sum was due for payment on DD/MM/YY but as at today’s date no payment has been received. The true owner of the bill or note cannot also demand payment, but must look to the recipient of the funds. This is just a reminder that your payment of {amount} for invoice # {0000} has not been received by our office. europarl.europa.eu Nous a vons t ra nsmis quatre questions au commissa ir e, et nous attendons ave c impatience ce qu' il pour ra en di re le moment venu .

We hope that you are satisfied with the services that we’ve been providing over the last 4 months, and based on your feedback on our last phone call we’ve noted that you are satisfied based on the amount of return you’ve been getting on your investment with us. To keep in good standing, please pay by end of day. Since both of our suppliers have policies requiring payment before delivery, we hope that you can arrange to send a deposit of 30% to us before the 21st of October, so that we may receive payment by the 24th of October. We have given the Commissioner four questions, Je souhaite remercier la Commission pour ses remarques, 228. There you go, clear, actionable email templates that help you collect late payments and which lets you focus on your work rather than inventing new ways of collecting late payments. I’m not saying that I don’t want to work with you, I do.

... your account is past due. We have given the Commissioner four questions and we look forward to hearing from him in due course. We know that life can sometimes be difficult and staying on top of invoices is not always easy. As at today’s date, we have yet to receive payment of the outstanding amount, which is now considerably overdue. I haven’t received the payment yet, so I wanted to ensure the email isn’t lost somewhere in depths of cyberspace. While I’ve worked up to standard and delivered on time, the compensation still hasn’t arrived. • If the case became important, Holder figured, paperwork would cross his desk in due course. I have always been there at the drop of a hat to sort out any problems you might have. If you have already mailed your check, please disregard this notice. However should payment in full not be received within the next seven days we may add these charges to your account. Our company has not yet levied any late payment or interest charges under “The Late Payment of Commercial debts (Interest) Act 1998 (as supplemented and amended)”. I love working with you and have always taken our relationship as more than just client/supplier.

This is not a good example for the translation above.

It should not be summed up with the orange entries. Please also note that our company has a policy of ceasing supply of work/services to any organisation with an account more than XX days in arrears. Request: Payment or a phone call today to discuss payment options. If you have any questions regarding this invoice, please call us at {phone} or contact us via {email}. Should no query exist please be aware our payment terms are strictly XX days and we make no provision for extended credit terms in our pricing structure. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. We trust this will not be necessary and look forward to receiving payment by return. We value your business and are here to help you. As always we are grateful for your support and loyalty. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Calibrating the Data Science Interview Assessment, SQL Case Study: Investigating a Drop in User Engagement, How to survive a layoff during challenging times and thrive, AirBnB listings in Seattle: A deeper look, How to Attract Your Competitors’ Customers, Reviewing A/B Testing Course by Google on Udacity. You have been a valued customer for many years, and you have always been conscientious about paying your bills within the 30-day payment period. Notes the criticisms of Commission Technical Assistance projects made by the ECA in its Special Report No 6/2007; notes further that the Commission will address these questions in its Strategy to meet EU aid effectiveness targets on Technical, 228. prend acte des critiques formulées par la Cour des comptes, dans son rapport spécial no 6/2007, à l'égard des projets d'assistance technique de la Commission; observe, en outre, que la Commission s'efforcera de résoudre ces questions dans sa «stratégie pour atteindre les objectifs d'efficacité de l'aide de l'Union concernant la coopération, I hope that our attempt to resolve this issue as rapidly as possible will not be affected by, the formation of the new government of the Russian, J'espère que notre tentative de régler ce problème le plus rapidement possible ne sera pas affectée par la, formation du nouveau gouvernement de la Fédération de. It gives the recipient a bit more of a nudge than “I look forward to hearing from you.” As it was due in course to As it was due in course to these divergences throughout time Looking forward to receiving your reply in due course. précises qui peuvent s'avérer nécessaires pour. Otherwise, I look forward to receiving payment within a week. According to these terms, the payment ball is clearly in your court.

• I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Would you please check to see if the accounts payable department has received it? à ces domaines pour pouvoir continuer à améliorer les structures de gouvernance et les modalités de financement du système des Nations Unies. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to receiving your … • Further details will be sent out in due course but please lodge your interest early to help them plan the event.

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