has become part of the English lexicon, used to question anything of uncertain substance. It's all at Suddenly Senior.". After the war years with their masculine fashions, Christian Dior designed a line of clothing featuring nipped waists and long “Flower Petal” skirts topped with head-hugging hats. Games For Senior Citizens Senior Games Senior Activities Elderly Activities Trivia For Seniors Daily Activities Cognitive Activities Alzheimers Activities Outdoor Activities

Q40) What is "The ultimate driving machine"? Nike was founded by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight on January 25, 1964. Q45) What beverage is "The choice of a new Generation"? Life cereal was introduced in 1961 by the Quaker Oats Company.

Q15) What brand did Morris the Cat help sell? The daily e-zine for everyone over 50 who feels way too young to be old. Spins on Bounty's popular slogan also include "the quicker, thicker picker-upper," "the quilted quicker picker-upper" and "the thick quicker picker-upper.". 9. c) Snow White, made in 1938. Federal Express, known as FedEx Corporation, is an American courier delivery service that ships worldwide. b. Christian Dior. Trivia Quiz Trivia Games Family Movie Night Family Movies Trivia Questions And Answers This Or That Questions Trivia For Seniors Ice Breakers For Work Film Quiz. It is now owned by General Motors Company with headquarters in Detroit, Michigan. '��#>�S6Y-��}z�&IZL.ңb�JR"�W���+�JI��R_RL~O��\�����I.�yx�V1������a��J�r:�H��S**����ZT���Z������xr���;J�2uS"8� Elvis wore his DA well. Since 1785, the like-named brewery in Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic) has produced a brew known as "The Beer of Kings.". How much do you know about dinosaurs? Introduced by Wendy's in 1984, the slogan "Where's the beef?" 6 Minute Quiz trivia questions each weekday plus a unique acrostic puzzle and an original themed quiz on the weekends. Our new TV Commercials Trivia game has some easy, some not-so-easy, some current ones and some from the past. This was a popular TV show in the 50s. Rice Krispies cereal was introduced in 1927 by Kellogg's. You can probably even remember your spouse’s birthday. The daily e-zine for everyone over 50 who feels way too young to be old. Q31) What hygiene product is "Strong Enough for a Man, pH Balanced for a Woman"? This is the first “older than dirt” trivia quiz…more links below. It was first introduced in 1924 and is known for featuring prominent athletes on its box. <>/Metadata 324 0 R/ViewerPreferences 325 0 R>> 5.6k. Toys R Us was founded in 1948 by Charles Lazarus. 2 0 obj Since the 1970s, BMW has pushed the exclusivity of its product. Like all things Twain, who knows for sure? While you probably remember the ads, it might come as a surprise that Dairy Management Inc. (which promotes dairy products) was responsible for them. Average score for this quiz is 11 / 15. Skittles is a brand of fruit-flavored sweets, currently produced and marketed by the Wrigley Company, a division of Mars, Inc. S & H Green Stamps c. 10¢ War Bond Saving Stamps.

Some of the following questions cover recent pitches, but most of them go back to the golden era of "don't touch that dial" TV commercials.

b. Ad and Commercial Quotes - Random Trivia Questions ... but most of them go back to the golden era of "don't touch that dial" TV commercials. There's nothing like an imperative in an ad, and Toyota commands you to get in the car. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 9 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 595 842] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Now read by 3.1 million in 83 newspapers from Florida's St. Petersburg Times to the Mumbai, India News. Bounty paper towels were first introduced in 1965. To be truly correct, you must pronounce that Mentos are "The freshmaker!" 6. c) Tom Sawyer.

Can You Finish These Famous Commercial Jingles. What sets apart Suddenly Senior is its blistering honesty and its incomparable encouragement. Q41) What laundry detergent specifically targeted "Ring around the collar"? Q39) What car company musically hoped you'd take "Just one look" and buy? ~#�;H��J�>��ͧ ޹��>��=�m Y����e4}����+%���A�7F�Ӷҧ�Ϭ�J���O�.��~{0Ʊ����nZ���;��ݷx�����H�aL�%$�_�A��#%�~ߐ4�bY�Bl�[lUf��9m�Y�Q���Vo����̬�>�)):����b����N&������<���p�웰�lP���{�5�����|tnCڳ��ul����ֹ�DŹ�=t�a&=�ua�.�ט�ИHV��|^愿:��k��sz|D�_Q���1�. Q11) What restaurant wants you to "Head for the Border"? MasterCard was founded in 1966 as Interbank Card Association. %PDF-1.7 McDonald's was founded on May 15, 1940. They're so ubiquitous that while perhaps you'd never admit it in polite society, you know every one of the slogans contained in this quiz, and probably many, many more. 5. a) Lou Costello to Bud Abbot after Abbot would tell Costello how he screwed up again. Slogans can even evolve over time — way back in its early days in 1886, Coca-Cola went with the straightforward "Drink Coca-Cola" slogan, which evolved into 1969's "It's the real thing" (and the supremely popular 1971 "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" commercial), and then into today's "Taste the feeling" and Twitter-appropriate #ShareaCoke hashtag. This is the first “older than dirt” trivia quiz…more links below. Viewers would call the Roper Poll. ��i��\���ۭy�j�3��������^�� ��ݷ�v��?���;�?�U���0��Q�G�`�����9̑+˧h�'^�ۯ�b�r�݈��@, ��l�O��m��w��xozM׍�NO]ۭxg�f�p}���n�i�H��C���V�-q&$tۑzO4��������Ш��4N5��U� yc �?~��m֤����-ʔ6q��f���`njg��u6�,�e������ :*hL�Z���u)�6X?t��Tydi�� -�����'�b~��K1?�~%f-à0�Yt��N���Hf�I��wπ�J߷��B�a� ��A?�Ǩ���ܸ��k�;[���j��6'���-0k���. a. Updates weekly! b. Q37) What specific product did Spuds MacKenzie pitch? in 1984? a. Hairstyle featuring hair combed into a “duck ass” in the back. Copyright © 2020 InfoSpace Holdings, LLC, a System1 Company. and confirming that you are 13 years old or over. 5.6k. As of 2016, there are more than 47 million cards in the United States alone! Our new TV Commercials Trivia game has some easy, some not-so-easy, some current ones and some from the past. "...the perfect mix of Andy Rooney, Dave Barry, and Garrison Keilor, combining knee-slapping humor with useful information and genuine compassion. endobj Alka-Seltzer's catchy tune may be even more memorable than Pepto-Bismol's "Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!". trivia questions each weekday plus a unique acrostic puzzle and an original themed quiz on the weekends. From fun quizzes that bring joy to your day, to compelling photography and fascinating lists, HowStuffWorks Play offers something for everyone. In 2002, Verizon's "Test Man" introduced us to the quickly ubiquitous question. They were first made in 1974. They were first introduced in 1954 as a sugar-coated version of Kix. Miller launched its first "great/filling" campaign in 1974 and has revived the slogan a few times throughout the years. Remember when Snapple was all the rage? Lay's was first introduced in 1932. Miles Medicine Company of Elkhart, Indiana. Alas, my childhood was spent without VCRs, and probably worse still, without remote controls. Water pressure was measured in various cities to see when most toilet flushes occurred, thus indicating when the most popular program ran its commercials. It was introduced in 1931. a. TV commercial trivia is fun for all ages at trivia night. The Lone Ranger to Tonto every time the masked man gave away a phony silver bullet c. Fibber McGee to Molly when she would open their closet door and 50 tons of junk came tumbling out, a. Portnoy’s Complaint b. Tom Sawyer c. Tale of Two Cities, a. And how do you use a proper noun? The famous 1979 ad campaign made us all feel guilty about not calling grandma. Q32) What product suggested that you "Don't leave home without it"?

�q �A�\�4܏�_Rᡩ����:�G��Y�X� ���c�F-D���#/t��G�[E�GQ��xs|$���O��r t�#�RW���TV�HyzL����q٧�x��1.�'��Q�?pX����z�b�Uo?��_͗*�mw��X�FH��� �h�N(��)@���;����E��U�ΰI(�qY@��� �U����>�E�Am �N���+.�� It was introduced in 1892 by Joel Owsley Cheek and was named in honor of the Maxwell House Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. Q57) What snack food challenged, "Betcha can't eat just one". Playing quizzes is free! Slogans can even evolve over time — way back in its early days in 1886, Coca-Cola went with the straightforward "Drink Coca-Cola" slogan, which evolved into 1969's "It's the real thing" (and the supremely popular 1971 "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" commercial), and then into today's "Taste the feeling" and Twitter-appropriate #ShareaCoke hashtag. c. 1946, Paris. A whole industry developed around leg painting as it was thought the height of fashion to look as if you were wearing the impossible-to-get nylon stockings. a. The Raytheon RadaRange was five feet high, weighed 750 pounds, and was rated at 1600 Watts. This top-ranked site now has over 4,000 pages of humor, nostalgia, senior advocacy and useful information for seniors 50+. Our award-winning website offers reliable, easy-to-understand explanations about how the world works.

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tv commercial trivia for seniors

8. b) 1954.

Her husband’s name was Ricky and he was a South American band leader. Hallmark Cards, Incorporated was founded in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1910 by Joyce Hall. When Kaiser asked his Internet audience what else they’d like to see in his columns, many answered “nostalgia” and “trivia.” Always eager to please, he’s writing a column a month for the next few months on nostalgic trivia. Answer: The adventures of Superman William Boyd starred in this TV show.

Games For Senior Citizens Senior Games Senior Activities Activities For Adults Elderly Activities Daily Activities Cognitive Activities Trivia For Seniors … Q54) Who promised, "We will sell no wine before its time"? Our award-winning website offers reliable, easy-to-understand explanations about how the world works. Q21) What drink is "Good to the last drop"? Q10) "If it tastes like butter, but it's not, it's" what? c. Feathery brushes.

has become part of the English lexicon, used to question anything of uncertain substance. It's all at Suddenly Senior.". After the war years with their masculine fashions, Christian Dior designed a line of clothing featuring nipped waists and long “Flower Petal” skirts topped with head-hugging hats. Games For Senior Citizens Senior Games Senior Activities Elderly Activities Trivia For Seniors Daily Activities Cognitive Activities Alzheimers Activities Outdoor Activities

Q40) What is "The ultimate driving machine"? Nike was founded by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight on January 25, 1964. Q45) What beverage is "The choice of a new Generation"? Life cereal was introduced in 1961 by the Quaker Oats Company.

Q15) What brand did Morris the Cat help sell? The daily e-zine for everyone over 50 who feels way too young to be old. Spins on Bounty's popular slogan also include "the quicker, thicker picker-upper," "the quilted quicker picker-upper" and "the thick quicker picker-upper.". 9. c) Snow White, made in 1938. Federal Express, known as FedEx Corporation, is an American courier delivery service that ships worldwide. b. Christian Dior. Trivia Quiz Trivia Games Family Movie Night Family Movies Trivia Questions And Answers This Or That Questions Trivia For Seniors Ice Breakers For Work Film Quiz. It is now owned by General Motors Company with headquarters in Detroit, Michigan. '��#>�S6Y-��}z�&IZL.ңb�JR"�W���+�JI��R_RL~O��\�����I.�yx�V1������a��J�r:�H��S**����ZT���Z������xr���;J�2uS"8� Elvis wore his DA well. Since 1785, the like-named brewery in Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic) has produced a brew known as "The Beer of Kings.". How much do you know about dinosaurs? Introduced by Wendy's in 1984, the slogan "Where's the beef?" 6 Minute Quiz trivia questions each weekday plus a unique acrostic puzzle and an original themed quiz on the weekends. Our new TV Commercials Trivia game has some easy, some not-so-easy, some current ones and some from the past. This was a popular TV show in the 50s. Rice Krispies cereal was introduced in 1927 by Kellogg's. You can probably even remember your spouse’s birthday. The daily e-zine for everyone over 50 who feels way too young to be old. Q31) What hygiene product is "Strong Enough for a Man, pH Balanced for a Woman"? This is the first “older than dirt” trivia quiz…more links below. It was first introduced in 1924 and is known for featuring prominent athletes on its box. <>/Metadata 324 0 R/ViewerPreferences 325 0 R>> 5.6k. Toys R Us was founded in 1948 by Charles Lazarus. 2 0 obj Since the 1970s, BMW has pushed the exclusivity of its product. Like all things Twain, who knows for sure? While you probably remember the ads, it might come as a surprise that Dairy Management Inc. (which promotes dairy products) was responsible for them. Average score for this quiz is 11 / 15. Skittles is a brand of fruit-flavored sweets, currently produced and marketed by the Wrigley Company, a division of Mars, Inc. S & H Green Stamps c. 10¢ War Bond Saving Stamps.

Some of the following questions cover recent pitches, but most of them go back to the golden era of "don't touch that dial" TV commercials.

b. Ad and Commercial Quotes - Random Trivia Questions ... but most of them go back to the golden era of "don't touch that dial" TV commercials. There's nothing like an imperative in an ad, and Toyota commands you to get in the car. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 9 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 595 842] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Now read by 3.1 million in 83 newspapers from Florida's St. Petersburg Times to the Mumbai, India News. Bounty paper towels were first introduced in 1965. To be truly correct, you must pronounce that Mentos are "The freshmaker!" 6. c) Tom Sawyer.

Can You Finish These Famous Commercial Jingles. What sets apart Suddenly Senior is its blistering honesty and its incomparable encouragement. Q41) What laundry detergent specifically targeted "Ring around the collar"? Q39) What car company musically hoped you'd take "Just one look" and buy? ~#�;H��J�>��ͧ ޹��>��=�m Y����e4}����+%���A�7F�Ӷҧ�Ϭ�J���O�.��~{0Ʊ����nZ���;��ݷx�����H�aL�%$�_�A��#%�~ߐ4�bY�Bl�[lUf��9m�Y�Q���Vo����̬�>�)):����b����N&������<���p�웰�lP���{�5�����|tnCڳ��ul����ֹ�DŹ�=t�a&=�ua�.�ט�ИHV��|^愿:��k��sz|D�_Q���1�. Q11) What restaurant wants you to "Head for the Border"? MasterCard was founded in 1966 as Interbank Card Association. %PDF-1.7 McDonald's was founded on May 15, 1940. They're so ubiquitous that while perhaps you'd never admit it in polite society, you know every one of the slogans contained in this quiz, and probably many, many more. 5. a) Lou Costello to Bud Abbot after Abbot would tell Costello how he screwed up again. Slogans can even evolve over time — way back in its early days in 1886, Coca-Cola went with the straightforward "Drink Coca-Cola" slogan, which evolved into 1969's "It's the real thing" (and the supremely popular 1971 "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" commercial), and then into today's "Taste the feeling" and Twitter-appropriate #ShareaCoke hashtag. This is the first “older than dirt” trivia quiz…more links below. Viewers would call the Roper Poll. ��i��\���ۭy�j�3��������^�� ��ݷ�v��?���;�?�U���0��Q�G�`�����9̑+˧h�'^�ۯ�b�r�݈��@, ��l�O��m��w��xozM׍�NO]ۭxg�f�p}���n�i�H��C���V�-q&$tۑzO4��������Ш��4N5��U� yc �?~��m֤����-ʔ6q��f���`njg��u6�,�e������ :*hL�Z���u)�6X?t��Tydi�� -�����'�b~��K1?�~%f-à0�Yt��N���Hf�I��wπ�J߷��B�a� ��A?�Ǩ���ܸ��k�;[���j��6'���-0k���. a. Updates weekly! b. Q37) What specific product did Spuds MacKenzie pitch? in 1984? a. Hairstyle featuring hair combed into a “duck ass” in the back. Copyright © 2020 InfoSpace Holdings, LLC, a System1 Company. and confirming that you are 13 years old or over. 5.6k. As of 2016, there are more than 47 million cards in the United States alone! Our new TV Commercials Trivia game has some easy, some not-so-easy, some current ones and some from the past. "...the perfect mix of Andy Rooney, Dave Barry, and Garrison Keilor, combining knee-slapping humor with useful information and genuine compassion. endobj Alka-Seltzer's catchy tune may be even more memorable than Pepto-Bismol's "Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!". trivia questions each weekday plus a unique acrostic puzzle and an original themed quiz on the weekends. From fun quizzes that bring joy to your day, to compelling photography and fascinating lists, HowStuffWorks Play offers something for everyone. In 2002, Verizon's "Test Man" introduced us to the quickly ubiquitous question. They were first made in 1974. They were first introduced in 1954 as a sugar-coated version of Kix. Miller launched its first "great/filling" campaign in 1974 and has revived the slogan a few times throughout the years. Remember when Snapple was all the rage? Lay's was first introduced in 1932. Miles Medicine Company of Elkhart, Indiana. Alas, my childhood was spent without VCRs, and probably worse still, without remote controls. Water pressure was measured in various cities to see when most toilet flushes occurred, thus indicating when the most popular program ran its commercials. It was introduced in 1931. a. TV commercial trivia is fun for all ages at trivia night. The Lone Ranger to Tonto every time the masked man gave away a phony silver bullet c. Fibber McGee to Molly when she would open their closet door and 50 tons of junk came tumbling out, a. Portnoy’s Complaint b. Tom Sawyer c. Tale of Two Cities, a. And how do you use a proper noun? The famous 1979 ad campaign made us all feel guilty about not calling grandma. Q32) What product suggested that you "Don't leave home without it"?

�q �A�\�4܏�_Rᡩ����:�G��Y�X� ���c�F-D���#/t��G�[E�GQ��xs|$���O��r t�#�RW���TV�HyzL����q٧�x��1.�'��Q�?pX����z�b�Uo?��_͗*�mw��X�FH��� �h�N(��)@���;����E��U�ΰI(�qY@��� �U����>�E�Am �N���+.�� It was introduced in 1892 by Joel Owsley Cheek and was named in honor of the Maxwell House Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. Q57) What snack food challenged, "Betcha can't eat just one". Playing quizzes is free! Slogans can even evolve over time — way back in its early days in 1886, Coca-Cola went with the straightforward "Drink Coca-Cola" slogan, which evolved into 1969's "It's the real thing" (and the supremely popular 1971 "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" commercial), and then into today's "Taste the feeling" and Twitter-appropriate #ShareaCoke hashtag. c. 1946, Paris. A whole industry developed around leg painting as it was thought the height of fashion to look as if you were wearing the impossible-to-get nylon stockings. a. The Raytheon RadaRange was five feet high, weighed 750 pounds, and was rated at 1600 Watts. This top-ranked site now has over 4,000 pages of humor, nostalgia, senior advocacy and useful information for seniors 50+. Our award-winning website offers reliable, easy-to-understand explanations about how the world works.

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