llb law past exam papers
No. of Stars: Four, Q 5. Q2. What is the composition of UK Cabinet? What is Quzaf?
4 What is meant by private defence of the property? (b) Restrictions on the exercise of writ jurisdiction. What PPC says? Please explain in detail the landmarks cases of judicial review? We have short-listed some of the important (generally called as VIP, VVIP, VVVIP in student terms) from the exams of previous five-years. Marbury V Madison (1803) and McCulloch V Maryland (1819)? Reply . Q.8 What is a memorandum of an appeal and especially discuss its contents in detail.
Describe various instances of criminal breach of — trust as mentioned in the Pakistan Penal Code? Q.2 What.is delegated legislation? Q.6 Explain Robbery and Dacoity with particular reference to differences between both. Q10 A in order to cause hurt and without any intention to cause death pelts a stone at Z which causes his death. Please explain in detail the principle of Audi Alteram Partem. Law and Legal Studies: Past exam papers: Pietermaritzburg.
2011 Discuss the difference between common intention and common object? Attempt Six questions, including Two questions from each part. Q12 Define theft and state when is it liable to hadd. 2014 2010 Note: Attempt any FIVE questions in all FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE question from Part-II. Q.2 Define and explain Administrative Law? Also, discuss Breach of the Audi Alteram Partem rule. Have a look at the year wise past papers of Criminal Law LL.B Part 1.
Describe cases in which qisas for Qatke-amd shall not be enforced. LLB Entrance Exam Sample Paper: LLB Entrance Exam Questions Sample Paper consists questions based on General English and Legal ... Sir may you assist.me with.sample papers for law entrance exams through [hide for privacy] Thank you in advance. How is it proved and what is its punishment? Q.9 Discuss Qatle-e-Amad and explain how it could be compounded and waived? What is the doctrine of promissory estoppels? Q.9 Define and distinguish between robbery and decoity. Define the term Harabah. Q. Please explain the concept in detail. Q.7.What is period of limitation to file an appeal by a civil servant before the Punjab Service Tribunal? Legalversity.com © 2018-2020 - All rights reserved. Discuss in detail. Q.2 What is delegated legislation? Q2 Strict and vicarious liabilities are two different criminal liabilities. What procedure to be observed by the authorized officer in case of initiation of proceedings against the accused person under the Punjab Civil Servants (E & D) Rules, 1975? What is judicial, legislative and procedural control of Delegated Legislation? Is there any restriction on the exercise of writ jurisdiction? Discuss various causes of Juvenile delinquency in Pakistan. Q.1. Q.4 Discuss various provisions of Pakistan Penal Code 1860 relating to award of imprisonment for non-payment of Fine. his death. Q9. Q1. What are constituting elements of a crime? Q. Q5. 6. What is the “Rule of Law” in British Constitution? How independent is the office of Federal Ombudsman? What are its various theories? Q.7 Define Qatl-e-Amd. Differentiate between Harabah and Sarakah, along with their respective Punishments. Throughthe Maharashtra Common Entrance Test Law 2020. Q.3 Explain private defence of property and when does it extend to causing death of 15 assailants? Q5 Unsoundness of mind is an absolute defense in a criminal liability. Q1 Discuss various approaches towards the commission of the crime.
What do you know about Judicial Review? Q10. (b) Right of Appeal of Representation Q7. Q8. Please explain in detail the landmark cases of judicial review? and Also differentiate it with rioting. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Define Hurt and briefly explain different kinds of Hurt. LA1031 common law-2015-B. Q.7 Promotion and seniority are very important rights of a civil servant. Salient Features of American Constitution evaluated from 5 marks). Q.9. Q1 What is Delegated Legislation? Please discuss in detail. Explain the- composition and jurisdiction of the Punjab Sep, ice Tribunal under the Punjab Service Tribunal Act. The examination of LLB Part-2 Paper has been cancelled due to traffic closure. What is the difference between the offence of robbery and dacoity? 1. Discuss in detail. No. Q3 What do you know about Judicial Review? Each question will be carried 20 marks. Q.10 The service tribunal under the Punjab Civil Servant Act and Rules in an effective. Q.1 Please explain in detail the concept of Rule of Law as enunciated by Prof. A.V. Maharashtra Common Entrance Test also is known asMH CET. Discuss the method of proof of Qatl-e-Amd liable to qisas. How they differ with each other. A dishonestly sells the furniture. Q.5 Explain powers of the Punjab Service Tribunal against the final order of a Departmental Authority.
Explain. Click on the following Year to see and download the Past Paper. All the universities of Pakistan including Punjab University, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Jamia Karachi and other top universities have issued notification about the holiday and exams cancellation. Q.3 What do you understand by the concept of “Separation of Powers”? What do you know about Judicial Review? Q. FOUR questions from Part-II carrying 15 marks each and ONE question from Part-III carrying 20 marks. Discuss various causes of Juvenile delinquency in Pakistan. forum against an unlawful administrative action. Discuss the cases in which hadd shall not be enforced for Qazf. Q6 What are the penalties under the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973? Define and distinguish between Qatl-i-Khata and Qatl-bis-Sabab.. Also discuss the Punishment prescribed for the both. 5. (i) Judicial Review (ii) Pocket Veto (iii) Vice President (iV) Bill of Rights what are those circumstances which convert it into rioting? Define and differentiate between the offences of Abetment and Criminal Conspiracy? No. Discuss the circumstances under which right Of private defence of the body extends to causing death. They were taking exams light while imagining it in the beginning of New Year 2018. 1 Discuss in detail different theories of punishment? Also -discuss its scope with reference to Pakistan. What are the carious modes by which they can forgo their right to a criminal at any stage? Are there crimes which do not include mens rea element? What Principles are adopted for its judicial Control? Diecy. Also describe the punishment for the said offences. Well, the examination date for part 1 of Llagum of Belgarious has reportedly-rumourly been announced. of Stars: Six, Q 3. LLB Part 1 Notes of Islamic Jurisprudence, LL.B Part 1 Solved OBJECTIVE Papers MCQs Jurisprudence of 5-Years, Islamic Jurisprudence LLB Part 1 Guess Papers 2018-2019 Past Examination Papers, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW-II Guess Paper 2018 LL.B Part 2 BZU, BZU Uploads LL.B Exams 2018 Date Sheet Officially, BZU LL.B Exams 2018 Date Reportedly Extended, LLB Results 2nd Annual 2017-18 – BZU Multan, BZU LLB 2nd Annual Part 1, 2, 3 Result 2017-2018, Law of Contract LL.B Part 1 Past Papers 2018 Guess Paper, LLB Part-1, 2, & 3 Admission and Annual Exams 2018 Schedule. Q.7 Define and distinguish criminal trespass, house trespass, and housebreaking. How independent is the office of federal Ombudsman? Q.10 Write a detailed note on the establishment and Powers of the benches of Punjab Services Tribunals. Please Specify the procedure to be observed by the Inquiry officer on Inquiry Committee during an Inquiry of the accused person under the Punjab Civil Servants (E&D) rules, 1975. Discuss.
Q7 Define theft and extortion? Please explain in detail the office of Ombudsman at the federal level? Q6 A constitutional freedom of an association can turn into an unlawful assembly, which is an independent crime without doing any further act. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. No. What is Qazf liable to hadd.
LLB Part 1 Criminal Law Past Papers 2007-2019, LLB Part 2 Special and Local Laws Past Papers 2007-2019, LLB Part 3 Law of Evidence & Legal Ethics Past Papers 2007-2019, LLB Part 2 Company Law Past Papers 2007-2019, LLB Part 3 Administrative Law Past Papers 2007-2019, LLB Part 3 Constitutional Law Past Papers 2007-2019, LLB Part 1 Law of Contract Past Papers 2007-2019. How many hudood offences are there in Islam? (iii) Injury. Criminal Law is compulsory and sixth paper in LL.B part 1 examination. Discuss in detail. What are the distinguishing features of these two offences against property?
(a) Promotion (b) Appointment or Probation. Also, critically analyze it with French concept “Droit Administratif.”. LA1031 common law-2012-B. What was the impact of the decisions of these cases on the judiciaries of the world? What do you know about Judicial Review? Q.5 What do you know about Judicial Review? Is there any restriction on the exercise of Writ Jurisdiction? Q.11 Discuss various provisions of offences against property (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance, 1979 relating to Haraabah. Also, state the Punishment prescribed under P.P.C. No. i.e.
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