
the copper cycle history

The copper entering the ocean is not balanced by the amount of copper leaving the ocean, resulting in an increase of about 1900 Gg/yr in oceanic sediments. of ions in the solution. [3] In contrast to the vigorous efforts spent upon these four elements, much less effort has been expended on the biogeochemical cycles of most metals.

Copper may be hoarded (a stock increase) when prices are low, to await a time to sell at a better price. Though an estimate for the mass of the universe, 3 × 1046 Gg, exists, it is believed that over 90% of this quantity is dark matter. The total mass of subducting consolidated crust used in this study is 60 Pg/yr, taken from values of the global rock cycle [Mackenzie et al., 2004]. The stock of copper in freshwater can be subdivided into groundwater, glaciers, lakes, and rivers, but copper in various types of sediments was not determined. Copper also exists in Earth orbit as a constituent of human‐made satellites.

Although useful given their epochs and foci, none of these studies provides a detailed, comprehensive “anthrobiogeochemical” cycle. The earliest workers in copper soon found that it could be easily hammered into sheets and the sheets in turn worked into shapes which became more complex as their skill increased. The continental crust can be further subdivided into upper, middle, and lower. We take the mean of 4% to estimate the stock of copper in orbital objects.

Many of the illustrations on this site serve to show man’s progress as a metal-worker, culminating in the priceless inheritance of the Renaissance craftsmen. Various estimates of copper concentrations in Earth's continental crust have been made [Rudnick and Fountain, 1995; Taylor and McLennan, 1995; Wedepohl, 1995; Shaw et al., 1986]. Although iron became the basic metal of every Western civilisation from Rome onwards, it was the copper metals which were used when a combination of strength and durability was required. Unified Materials Information System (UMIS): An Integrated Material Stocks and Flows Data Structure. Processes, Information a mucus-like concentration. The total copper landfilled or lost to the environment is estimated, as of 1994, to be 175−225 Tg [Kapur, 2004].

The largest flows are from mined copper (1.1 × 104 Gg/yr), the copper flow from mining to manufacturing (1.2 × 104 Gg/yr), and the flow from manufacturing into in‐use copper stock (1.2 × 104 Gg/yr). All ppm or ppb values are on a mass basis (e.g., μg/g) unless otherwise noted. [8] The natural reservoirs of copper are categorized in accordance to the traditional separations used in the construction of global biogeochemical cycles.

1, Ecological Cycling, Human influence on the global cycling of trace metals, Quantitative assessment of worldwide contamination of air, water and soils by trace metals, Dissolved trace metals in Lakes Superior, Erie, and Ontario, A study of the material density distribution of space debris, An assessment of global and regional emissions of trace metals to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources worldwide, Comparison of groundwater and surface contamination by toxic substances, Cosmochemical estimates of mantle composition, Deep bacterial biosphere in Pacific Ocean sediments, Accretion of extraterrestrial matter during the last 80 million years and its effect on the marine osmium isotope record, Volatile metals and metalloids in hydrothermal gases, The chemical composition of subducting sediment and its consequences for the crust and mantle, Solid phase associations, oceanic fluxes and the anthropogenic perturbation of transition metals in world river particulates, The low‐temperature geochemical cycle of iron: From continental fluxes to marine sediment deposition, Geochemistry: A Survey of the Chemistry of the Earth, Phanerozoic addition rates to the continental crust and crustal growth, Critical review on natural global and regional emissions of six trace metals to the atmosphere: Report for ILZRO, ICA, & NiPERA, Long term evolution of Earth orbiting debris, Dynamics and Astrometry of Natural and Artificial Celestial Bodies: Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 165, Nature and composition of the continental crust: A lower crustal perspective, Airborne brake wear debris: Size distributions, composition, and a comparison of dynamometer and vehicle tests, Composition of the Canadian Precambrian shield and the continental crust of the Earth, Geological Society Special Publications: The Nature of the Lower Continental Crust, Phosphorus in the environment: Natural flows and human interferences, Terrestrial sedimentation and the carbon cycle: Coupling weathering and erosion to carbon burial, Determination of cadmium, zinc, copper, chromium and arsenic in crude oil cargoes, Predicting the terrestrial flux of sediment to the global ocean: A planetary perspective, The geochemical evolution of the continental crust, Human appropriation of the products of photosynthesis, The composition of the primitive upper earth's mantle, Kimberlites, Related Rocks and Mantle Xenoliths, The biomass metabolism of the food system, a model based survey of the global and regional turnover of food biomass, Chemical composition of aerosol particles from direct emissions of vegetation fires in the Amazon Basin: Water‐soluble species and trace elements.

[13] Soil is that portion of terrestrial regolith that has biological activity (e.g., roots).

[37] The mobilization of windblown dust and the deposition of the dust to oceanic and terrestrial surfaces have been studied extensively by Duce et al.

More recently, Graedel et al. The National Motorcycle Museum is assembling the first-ever exhibit comprehensively documenting the evolution of the American Custom Motorcycle; the Cut-Downs, Bob-Jobs, show bikes and choppers, from the late 1920s to the mid-’70s. The rest is assumed to be collected in pollution control equipment or disposed of as bottom ash. Comparison with the theoretical “natural” (i.e., early Holocene) copper cycle reveals these and other anthropogenic perturbations, and indicates that even without human influence the present‐day cycle is not in balance on a year by year basis. The long history of choppers is a uniquely American story, akin to Rock ‘n Roll in its cultural impact and global influence.

Gong et al. NaNO3(aq). This independent result allows us to compare our calculations with the historic estimates of Nriagu [1979] (Table 3). In our analysis, all dead biomass is considered part of the soil mass.

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