
globalization games for the classroom

All rights reserved. WORLD SITUATION: The world is running out of oil, making oil extremely rare and much more expensive. Explain to students that they can creatively market their products or combine products to end up with something more desirable.3. .ng-c-sponsor-logo { Personal Finance IQ Test – PPT for True or False Questions, Answers and Explanations (Visit test bank)

Then announce the following: Update the point system on the board to reflect the increase in points per unit for oil.4. This activity targets the following skills: The resources are also available at the top of the page.

Have students reflect on what they learned.Discuss the following questions: If possible, have students go to the Illicit website or watch the National Geographic film Illicit: The Dark Trade.

Check out the powerpoint presentations and video clips from the, 2nd Annual Globalization101.org Users Workshop. Look in your bag, at the tags on your clothing, at your cell phone, etc.  For each person in the group, try to identify where at least one object you have with you was made.  Do some research about this object. Tell students that they will participate in a hypothetical trading game.

Due to globalization and other factors, it is impossible for large industrialized nations to exit the global economy without devastating effects. Code of Ethics.

Divide the class into five groups and assign each group one of the following countries: United Kingdom, China, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, and Ghana. RMES 500Q / ANTH 409 Globalization and Education: Impacts on Classroom Practice Globalization and Education: Impacts on Classroom Practice in British Columbia Description The project we collaborated on was one piece of a much larger study. adjust to new world situations as they arise, reflect on what they learned about trade between countries, Tech Setup: 1 computer per classroom, Projector, Speakers. Certain conditions encourage or discourage trade among countries.

This availability of resources is facilitated through trade.


The game allows for “free trade,” meaning any country can trade with another country, and any item and/or amount of product can be traded for another.

Students simulate the trading of goods between countries. 2.

Sustainability Policy |  If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher.

Students create sea creature trading cards and trade them with their classmates. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media.

Over the course of the next few weeks we are going to be exploring how we are connected to each other all over the world.  The ways that we are connected to the people who make our products (in China, Taiwan, etc.) Globalization has sparked one of the most highly charged debates of the past decade. OUTCOME: Ghana takes one electronic unit from each country. The 84-page book “Teaching Human Rights,” offers a multitude of practical activities for primary and secondary schools, includes quizzes, games, exercises, activities and more.

If the students are unable to do the research in class, you could assign this as a homework assignment for students to bring back with them the next day.  Students would then need a little more times in their groups.

Terms of Service |  The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit.

}. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. Before starting this activity, create 5 different sets of 10 trading cards by printing out and cutting apart handouts. Who profits from these objects being made in another country but sold here?Â.

(these poor communities are not only exploited by local/national systems but by global ones as well).

Brian Peterson, Manchester College, USA and Suzanne Wallace, Central College, USA ... A prisoner's dilemma classroom activity … When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. TERMS: Globalization, Profit, Labor, Laborers, Economy. is NOT NEW.  The reality is that the world has been connected for a long time. Go to the PBS website to find out where you can get the full DVD.

This lists the logos of programs or partners of. 3rd Annual Globalization101.org Users Workshop. Divide the class into small groups and set up the game.Tell students that they will participate in a hypothetical trading game.

PROCEDURES (Text consulted – Rethinking Globalization): Assemble the class in groups of 3-5 students. Culture & Conflict in the Age of Globalization, Globalization and Languages in New York City, Yasuní Depends on You: Globalization, the Amazon, & Oil. © 2017 The Levin Institute - The State University of New York. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service.

Globalization: An Introduction.

Select topics from the lesson plans at the right of the page to find out why teaching globalization is important, and to download free lesson plans tied to our Issues in Depth. For those not made in the United States, why do you think these objects were made overseas? Classroom experiments, games and role-play. It provides quick, real-time results and gives students instant feedback on their devices without anyone being called out individually. people relying on each other for goods, services, and ideas. OUTCOME: The worth of oil increases by two points. An excerpt of the film is provided in this activity.

How is this conversation related to our previous conversation about a poor community? Divide the class into five groups and assign each group one of the following countries: United Kingdom, China, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, and Ghana. Conduct the second round of trading.Allow for two additional minutes to trade.

Christina Riska Simmons, adapted from National Geographic’s Illicit: The Dark Trade lesson “World Trade—A Global Interdependence”.

Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. The first was awarded in 2003 as project number P021A03068; the second was awarded in 2009 as project number P021A090092.

1. Then they reflect on the challenges of trade between countries.

From Senegal and West Africa to your Classroom. Introduce the objectives of the game.Tell students that the objective is for each student to get the most points by trading their country’s goods for products from another country. OxFam Canada offers a package describing some unique trade and globalization workshops activities for the classroom and beyond. Copyright © 2004-2011 Western Michigan University. Look in your bag, at the tags on your clothing, at your cell phone, etc. buying, selling, or exchanging of goods and services.

List the following exports and their values on the board for reference during trading: Provide each group with a random set of approximately ten trading cards from the handout. Divide the class into small groups and set up the game. Check back frequently for new lesson plans and other resources. What do we know about each of the countries/regions where these objects were made?

With tariffs shaping the world’s current trade and economic picture, going back and forth among the world’s most influential nations, they have been featured prominently in the news. Kahoot is a student-response gamifying tool that lets teachers create multiple-choice quizzes and polls and is a great way to incorporate fun and games in the classroom! Select topics from the lesson plans at the right of the page to find out why teaching globalization is important, and to download free lesson plans tied to our Issues in Depth.

You cannot download interactives.

WORLD SITUATION: Ghana learns to make counterfeit electronics, making its electronics cheaper. During times of peace, it is beneficial in a global economy, to see other nations succeed.

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